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Characters In Charge


My writer friends will perhaps relate with my latest dilemma. Sometimes we as authors create characters who take on a life all their own. I am currently engaged in a love-hate relationship with one such character. He cannot seem to follow the outline I have created, which often causes some serious plot problems for me as the author.

I am currently working on a series of historical suspense/romance novel set against the backdrop of King John’s reign from 1199 – 1216. The ensemble cast of characters revolves mainly around a family of brothers who have recently regained their estate and family name after their father was stripped of them during the Crusades by King Richard. The head of the family is a strong-willed knight Lord Julian Darnall of Wolf’s Haven. He has been responsible for raising his younger brothers and raising (by any means) the funds to buy back his estate while at the same time procuring brides for himself and his brothers and currying royal favor.

In creating Julian’s character I made him so strong-willed as to be inflexible in certain situations. However, when it comes to the love of his life, Lady Lissandra MacGregor, he is mushier than a marshmallow. He has to know what everyone is doing at all times, especially his brothers. If he doesn’t keep his thumb on them 24/7 who knows what may happen?  He may well be the first OCD knight in Christendom or at least the most OCD of all time. Fortunately, his brother Andrew’s wife is an excellent healer because he often requires her potions to treat his ulcers as he deals with family issues, political intrigue and enemies who want what he has.

Julian has a habit of being overbearing and inserting himself in scenes where  he is only meant to be a bit player.  And don’t get me started on the things he says! In one scene in particular he opened his mouth to share his next scheme to keep the family intact and safe he completely goes off script and changes my well thought out scenario. I was both shocked and angry, especially when his plan was so much better than mine!

I took a break mid-way through the fourth novel in the series to finish my Nanowrimo novel and edit. Apparently Julian wasn’t very happy about the break because he kept appearing in my modern suspense novel intermittently as if to say, “Hey, we’re still here waiting. Don’t forget about us!” Really, Julian? Can’t you stay in your own novel and quit making guest appearances in other pieces? It’s not like I’m going to forget about you.

He did it in 2013 when I started my Nanowrimo novel. He was so insistent with his insertion into my Nano novel I was forced to scrap it and work on my historical novel for the duration instead. I despair over what will happen when his novels are finished. Is he going to continue to haunt me when I try to work on other projects? My experiences with Julian make me wonder how many of my author friends struggle with characters who just won’t leave them alone? Maybe it’s normal and I shouldn’t worry about it until Julian starts stalking me in the real world.

By Billie-Renee Knight

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