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Conference Bound!


By Renee Lynn Scott

My boarding passes are printed. Nails polished, brows waxed. Workshop handouts are printed, neatly hole punched, and placed into a binder. Suitcases are packed-laptop, business cards, flat iron, snack food for flight, headphones, pjs, business attire, toiletries and clean underwear.

I’ve known about this trip for quite some time. I committed in February when I paid my registration fee for the Romance Writers of America conference in Washington D.C., but somewhere in the back of mind I thought I might back out. The consequence of that thought-I’m far from prepared. Part of the reason is because I have no idea what to expect. I’m going as a writer looking to gain knowledge. As a writer looking to network with other writers, and as a writer praying for unimaginable opportunities. No matter how many scenarios I run through my head, no matter how many ‘what ifs’, I know that none of it will occur as I imagined. So, I’ll go, and I’ll soak it all up. And I’ll enjoy every moment of it like a wide-eyed kid in a candy store.

I hope to send tidbits from the hotel, but that all depends on how much down time I have, and of course, how much time I spend devouring the Smithsonian.

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