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Mega Book University – Overwhelmed


By Morgan Chilson

It’s the end of the second day and I was at the conference for 13 hours. Wow. I really cannot convey all of the emotions that stormed through me today. I can say that I left this evening drained, exhausted and exhilarated, and a little scarily convinced that I can succeed. These are motivational people who do their job well!!

Barbara De Angelis, multi-published author, mystic and speaker, moved me to tears and took me back to a childhood feeling when I really believed I was called to do something to change the world. She was fabulous and I will be reading some of her books — in particular, the most recent one, “How Did I Get Here?” She was a stunningly effective speaker, primarily because you believe her. A beautiful soul.

I have pages of notes and I plan to make a presentation for everyone about what I’ve taken out of this. But the one message that I want to repeat — to grab everyone and look into their eyes and say very intensely — is to question what changes you want to make in the world. What is your passion? What is your meaning and purpose? If you aren’t doing those things, then you probably will not be successful. When I asked myself that question, I immediately defined what I want to be writing and speaking about.

Remember when you were a teenager and believed you could go out and change the world? Then life happened (and bills, as internet social media guru Carrie Wilkerson said today) and you forgot that feeling. Get it back. I really did today and am very excited to tackle some new challenges.

Wilkerson — who is the Barefoot Exec online and in her empire — talked about the importance of social media marketing for authors and for any business person. She hit on many of the points that Karl Funderson did when he spoke to our group (wasn’t he great?) and really convinced me that it’s something we each need to make time for.

Okay, I am seriously drained. Just exhausted and I need to stare at my room walls and blank my mind. I can’t wait to bring back to everyone what I’m learning here.

May the word muse visit you this week.

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