By Morgan Chilson
Never has white space looked so intimidating. Welcome to the brand-spankin’ new blog for KS Writers Inc. We’re a writing group out of Topeka, Kansas, that meets monthly to support, critique, educate, harangue and generally encourage writers.
Our members run the gamut of writing interests — romance, western, non-fiction, mystery, sci-fi, paranormal and just about any style you can imagine.
But no matter what our subject matter, we all share a common love of words. Of the beauty and tragedy and drama that can be painted by typing black letters across a computer screen. Some of us are published, and some are writing a first, third or tenth manuscript that has never seen a printing press.
In an odd twist to normally garrulous writers, we have hesitated in starting a blog. Worries about time commitments and scheduling were important, but most of all — we have stressed about what to say.
As writers, we feel an imperative need to entertain, to make our words dance and bounce across the screen spreading creativity, philosophy and ideas as they go.
Who wants that kind of pressure?
Finally, we do. Every blog may not resonate with you, but if you are a writer and care about how words change the world, we know you’ll find something from our members that makes you go, “Yeah. You nailed it.”
Visit KWI online at for information on attending our meetings. All writers at all stages of their careers are welcome.
And remember, as Thoreau said (and far be it for me to try to say it better):
“The price of anything is the amount of life you exchange for it.”