by Reed Leon
In any one day, I read tons of news and current events. During a recent foray, I came across this article on pertaining to four habits for shaping one’s career. Thinking it was applicable to KWI’s members, I heard a voice in my head, “Well, why don’t you write a blog entry?” I shuddered momentarily, realizing it was Morgan’s voice.
Habit 1: Find the brights spots. This goes beyond an optimistic, glass-is-half-full attitude. Look at the causes that lead to your success and then duplicate them. A fixation on failure can cause inaction.
Habit 2: Behavior trumps attitude–or pigs of a feather will flock together. I had a pet pig named Lucy. Orphaned as a newborn piglet, she grew up with a flock of Peking ducklings. The ducklings’ behavior rubbed off on Lucy. Whatever the ducks did, Lucy did the same. When we interact with other people who engage in certain activities, we’re more prone to act in a similar way.
Habit 3: Bridge maintenance. A close circle of family and friends can be incredibly valuable. However, everyone in the close circle has pretty much the same level of knowledge. It’s through low-maintenance friendships, where we occassionaly communicate with that person, that new opportunities can be found.
Habit 4: Zig while others zag. When metaphorical gold (whether it be e-commerce, zombie vampires, or snuggies) has been discovered , everyone runs into the goldfield. A few people will strike it rich, but most won’t. It’s easier to be a big fish in a little pond, where you’ll more quickly be noticed, than swimminging in cirles in a large ocean. This is a simple habit, but it ain’t easy.
Christmas will soon be upon us and then a New Year. For years I’ve maintained an old New Year’s resolution to avoid future New Year’s resolutions. But I do have a few goals for 2012: To write more, to write better, spend more time with other writers, touch base with that long-time friend, and keep Morgan out of my head.