By Morgan Chilson
When I was lucky enough to interview Mark Victor Hansen, co-author of the Chicken Soup for the Soul book series and numerous other books, he gave me some advice that set my mind skip-jumping through the writing universe. He said every author should have a list containing 100 or more book titles of books they’re planning to write.
That’s right. The books they’re planning to write. Mark learned this hint from Norman Vincent Peale, who was his minister. This much revered minister opened his briefcase and in it were 50 folders, one for each of the sermons Mr. Peale would give during the year. Throughout the year, he slowly filled those folders with sermon ideas.
It’s an idea that opens your mind up to the creative universe and prepares you to gather information that will push you forward.
Remember when you were pregnant and suddenly, everywhere you looked there were pregnant women? Or you finally bought that speedy black SUV and voila – the highways were bumper to bumper with that exact same car.
We take notice of the things that are bubbling in our brains, even if they’re just half-baked ideas or little squiggles of characters who someday may populate our books. When you write a list of book titles, you’ll be amazed how much information begins to come your way about your subject matter. You’ll meet people with the right expertise to help you out. I was just handily reminded that one of my good friend’s sons is a neuroscientist – exactly what I need for some writing I’m doing.
So start your list and don’t hold back. Include the crazy ideas, the books you think there will never be enough time to write, the simmering ideas that make you a smart, imaginative writer.
Then watch the opportunities present themselves.