Do you have any idea where the phrase ‘Spring Cleaning’ came from? I didn’t either until I looked up good ol’ Wikipedia. I had an idea that the coinage orginated from the Jewish Passover, which means the tradition of cleaning house during Spring has been around for thousands of years.
Just because I brought up ‘Spring Cleaning’ doesn’t mean I’m one of those obsessive compulsive cleaners. I’m quite the opposite. I’m not big on cleaning anytime of the year, but for the last few days I’ve been scrubbing appliances, dusting knick knacks and sorting through papers hidden deep within the closets. (Some would say I’m going to extremes avoiding my manuscript.)
As I sorted and shredded papers I came across five spiral bound notebooks. Inside those spiral notebooks were stories I had started over thirteen years ago. I had forgotten about those notebooks. I had forgotten about those stories. In fact, for some reason I had believed that I had started to take an interest in writing romance only four short years ago. But the evidence was indisputable. It was there in my hands. Thirteen years! Not four.
Those books were also a sweet, dusty reminder of what I should be doing and not doing what I was doing.
I skimmed the pages and smiled at all the newbie writer mistakes and at the silly, overdramatic dialogue. With each word I perused, I felt that same pitter patter in my chest at having discovered something I really loved doing. And then I asked myself why it was I had quit.
There wasn’t just one answer to that question, but many. I have to say that it had never occurred to me that I couldn’t write a book until I shared my desire with someone and they, of course, had a bit of wisdom to share. “Well, they say write what you know.”
Oh, man! I didn’t know anything outside of being married, having babies and going to church. At the time I hadn’t one single credit hour of college education. And didn’t it take a degree in book writing to write a book? And too, at the time the Internet had yet to be a household commodity, at least in my house. I was utterly ignorant about the processes of writing a book. There was no way I could ever write a book like Victoria Alexander or Cathrine Coutler. No way at all! It never occurred to me that they had to start somewhere too. I guess I figured they were born with a publishing contract.
So what changed? One day, about four years ago, after reading an awesome book, I searched the author’s website to see when the next book would be released. It was then that I discovered a writing contest and other people out there just like me. People, lots of people, who were aspiring writers. Among the aspiring writers were published authors who rubbed elbows and encouraged us in our pursuit of a writing career. It was like. . . like what I image a kid would feel like going to Disneyland for the first time.
I’ve come a long way in my four years of actively pursuing a writing career. I’m not published, but I’ve spent those years learning about the craft, which is something I really couldn’t have done without being connected. What I’ve learned about writing from my writing groups has been worth more than most of the college classes I’ve taken.
If you have a desire to write, whether it be poetry, a magazine article or even a full length novel, it really does pay to join support groups. They can offer feedback and provide you with information you may not otherwise receive on your own, like where to submit when your piece of work is complete. My writing groups have proved invaluable. The connection, the plugging into a network of writers, is like using Miracle Grow on tomato plants. And it’s not just from the knowledge you gain, but also from the overwhelming support you can receive when you’re an active member.
So, I leave you with a few questions. Do you belong to any writing groups? If so, which ones? If not, do you have an interest in joing a writing group? What genre do you write or are interested in writing?