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Welcome to a brand New Year!


By Renee Lynn Scott

If you’re anything like me (I dwell in the house of chaos) then you’ve been looking back on your 2009 resolutions and wondering where the last twelve months disappeared to.

But then I didn’t make resolutions. I made goals.  I’m sure there is a technical difference between the two somewhere. Upon investigating my ‘goals’ I realized I had only accomplished one. No, I didn’t land one of my top five agents, or any agent for that matter. And, I didn’t sign a publishing contract.

I did do something beyond my imagination. I discovered a tremendous amount about myself, not only as a writer, but as a person.

I could tell you about my experiences to Washington D.C., where I joined thousands of romance writers (pubbed and unpubbed), agents, and editors. I could tell you about my pitches and my requests. I could tell you about my contest finals. But I won’t.

All of the above showed me on thing; I may not yet be published, but I am a writer. A writer who over the last year has learned to take herself seriously. A writer who has since quit playing at writing and is now working at writing. That is not to say it doesn’t feel like play because even though it is work, and at times very hard work it is enjoyable. I’ve discovered that even when life gets in the way that there is no greater obstacle to taking yourself seriously than you yourself.

If you want to be taken seriously in 2010, you must take yourself seriously. You must offer yourself the same support you expect those around you to give. Don’t allow yourself to be an obstacle to your dreams.

I leave you with an blessing written by mystery, suspense writer Lisa Gardner.

May you always remember the thrill of being swept away by a really good book. May the words you’re typing on the page be as worthy as the words running through your mind. May your deadline be behind you. May a good story lie ahead of you. And as we go forth May you always enjoy the journey to finding those two perfect words: The End.

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