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Writing Outside Your Comfort Zone


One piece of advice Morgan has shared with us is to write articles, whether for blogging, magazines, devotionals, local newspapers etc., I blog plenty. I personally own several blogs, plus I blog here and at Romance Roundtable. But too often my blogs are thrown together. Blogging is just me talking. What you read is my voice, rabbit trails and all.

I thought about writing articles, I even submitted one. Although the piece was well written (said editor) it wasn’t exactly what they were looking for. I’m okay with that. I wasn’t real sure that I wanted to write magazine articles, especially if it took too much from writing romances. Besides, when I think of writing articles, I think about the phd that will probably never accompany my name. NOTE, the lack of educational initials should never keep you from writing an article or anything else. All the phd shows (all right, so it isn’t an all, it’s something to be very proud of) is an extreme interest and a lot of hard work. My interests follow along the lines of science, genealogy and history, but since I know a little bit about a lot of things and not a lot about any one particular thing . . . well, the authorities would probably skin me alive, especially since I didn’t do all that hard work to earn a phd. 😉

Do not be deceived into thinking that I fall into the depths of depression over my lack of educational credits.  It’s quite the opposite. The idea of writing a dissertation frightens me. I’d rather read for pleasure and write fiction around my research. I’d rather learn a little about a lot of things instead of a lot about one thing.

After much undecision, I finally found an avenue to write outside of my comfort zone. I’m able to combine my love of reading and my thirst for all things historical into one neat little package. All right, so it isn’t alway neat, and it’s definitely not always easy, but I love the end result. Oh, right! I guess it would help to share what it is I write outside of fiction. Reviews. I’ve been writing fiction and non-fiction reviews for a few Christian publishing houses as well as for a secular e-zine. And I love every bit of it.

Although writing reviews is way outside of my comfort zone, it has been an eye opener for my own work. I’m able to pinpoint things I like or dislike, like unlikeable characters. Sometimes I even find plot holes. Whatever it is I make a mental note to not make the same mistake. But the greatest help review writing has provided me is with pitch and synopsis writing.

Have you taken on writing outside of your comfort zone?

Christina Rich D.M. (domestic engineer) 🙂

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